Hertford College Zone Safeguarding Statement

Mangorolla CIC and Hertford College

Child Safeguarding Statement

  1. Name of service being provided: I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here! The Hertford College Zone is run by Mangorolla CIC and Hertford College.
  2. Nature of service and principles to safeguard children from harm:

I’m a Scientist is an online STEM activity connecting students with scientists. This activity is predominantly carried out in schools, although students can also access the website and participate from home. On the website, students can view scientists’  profiles, post questions to them and take part in live text-based chats. All site content is monitored and moderated by Hertford College staff who are trained in safeguarding procedures. Failure to comply with those procedures will be dealt with severely.

  1. Risk assessment

Below is a list of the risks to vulnerable people identified and the list of procedures for managing these risks.

The site – the website(s) on which the activities take place – iasuk.ddev.site


Risk identified



Procedure in place to manage risk


Candidates cause harm to students. This could be deliberate or inadvertently. No direct, unsupervised contact takes place between candidates and students. All contact through the site is moderated. Personal contact details will be removed by moderators, and answers or comments that could cause harm to students will be reviewed and, if necessary, removed by moderators. Moderators will report incidents to Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) who will contact authorities as required. In the case of school students this would normally be their class teacher.
If the harm caused is thought to be deliberate the candidate will be suspended from the site immediately and the incident investigated by the DSO. If necessary the relevant legal authorities will be contacted.
Moderators, Hertford College or Mangorolla team cause harm to students or allow harm to students through negligence. Hertford College and moderators, and the Mangorolla team are DBS checked. Safeguarding policy and procedures are subject to review at any time, should a change be deemed necessary.
All contact between Mangorolla team / moderators and students should be via the site or teacher.
Moderators can have access to the site revoked at any time. Failure to comply with mandatory safeguarding policy and procedures will be addressed without delay and may ultimately result in dismissal/exclusion from the organisation and if relevant, legal authorities will be contacted.
If the DSO is the cause of concern, this will be dealt with by the College Dean as Lead Safeguarding Officer.
Students cause harm to each other through the site or teachers cause harm to students through site All contact between students on the site is moderated by the moderators. No direct unsupervised contact exists between teachers and students attending different schools. Personal contact details will be removed by moderators.
Moderators and teachers can delete comments in a live chat and suspend students from live chat. Users can be removed from the site at any time. Answers or comments that may cause harm to students will be intercepted by moderators.
Student makes a disclosure / comment that indicates they are at risk and this doesn’t get picked up by relevant professionals Potential safeguarding concerns should be fully recorded and reported confidentially by Hertford College to the DSO. The DSO reviews concerns and takes the appropriate action. The concerns may be reported to CEOP (UK) or passed directly to the teacher of the relevant student(s). In absence of the DSO, the college Dean, as Lead Safeguarding Officer, picks up this responsibility.
Details of safeguarding concerns are accessed by people who could use this information to cause harm to students The Safeguarding Concern Record is confidential. Only the DSO and Lead Safeguarding Officer have access to this document. Where necessary, concerns may be reported to CEOP (UK) or passed directly to the teacher of the relevant student(s).
Data breach resulting in site user data becoming public PCI Industry standard security is installed on our servers and all software is regularly updated and patched where required.
Our Data Protection policy requires any data breach to be notified immediately to Mangorolla and where relevant to the ICO within 72 hours.
Misuse of data by a moderator, Hertford College or Mangorolla team to make direct contact with a student (not via moderated site). Failure to comply with mandatory safeguarding policy and procedures will be addressed without delay and may ultimately result in dismissal/exclusion from the organisation and if relevant, legal authorities will be contacted. The incident will be investigated by the DSO in the first instance and the Lead Safeguarding Officer as necessary. The incident may be reported to CEOP (UK) or passed directly to the teacher of the relevant student(s) as appropriate. Any incidents involving Mangorolla staff will be referred to the Mangorolla Designated Safeguarding Officer in the first instance and the Mangorolla External Director as necessary.

Key roles/ terms in risk assessment:

Hertford College – permanent staff with lead responsibility for the Hertford College Zone
Mangorolla team – full time, permanent staff who manage the events at Mangorolla CIC
Moderators – remote staff who moderate content on the site
DSO – Designated Safeguarding Officer / Relevant Person from Hertford College. This person is the first point of contact in respect of the provider’s child safeguarding statement
Lead Safeguarding Officer – the College Dean (Head of Welfare)
External Director – sits on the Mangorolla CIC board of directors. Provides support and advice to the organisation. Not part of Mangorolla team
Candidates – participating scientists
Teachers – those who are participating with their students
Students – children taking part in an event with their teacher
Users – any teacher, student or member of the public taking part in an event (not candidates)

  1. Procedures

Our Child Safeguarding Statement has been developed in line with requirements under the Children First Act 2015, the Children First: National Guidance, and Tusla’s Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, Procedure and Practice.

Our safeguarding policy and procedures are available upon request.

  1. Implementation

We recognise that implementation is an ongoing process. Our service is committed to the implementation of this Child Safeguarding Statement and the procedures that support our intention to keep children safe from harm while availing of our service.

This Child Safeguarding Statement will be reviewed on 30th May 2020, or as soon as practicable after there has been a material change in any matter to which the statement refers.


Signed: Shane McCracken – Shane McCracken

Provider’s name and contact details: Mangorolla CIC, 7-9 North Parade Buildings, Bath, BA1 1NS, UK

For queries, please contact Shane McCracken, shane@mangorol.la